Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Battle of the Beats Outline

Battle of the Beats Outline

This is a basic summary of rules and procedures for the Battle of the Beats.

The entire Battle of the Beats will consist of a 15-round season. Each “round” of the battle is a new competition between two new competitors. The result is a bracket system that will lead into semi-finals, finals, and a championship round. There will be 8 regular season rounds, 4 semi-final rounds, 2 final rounds, and a championship round.

Competitors can be a single person, or an entire group. Although the competitors are ideally matched by their production methods (DJ, producer, etc) as the rounds progress into semi-final and final rounds competitors may find themselves in unique match-ups (DJ vs. producer, etc.)

Round Procedures:
Each round will begin with an announcement on the Winslow Radio which airs at 7:30 PM MST on Thursdays once a week. Once two groups have been confirmed for the competition, a deadline for sample submission will be set.

This year, we will be sampling from the G.E.D. Soul Music catalog. The mandatory samples will be provided to the producers on the date that their battle begins. The production process will begin on the same night. Each competitor will have 2 weeks to create a unique track from the mandatory samples. There are basically no limitations on how you create your track as long as you use the mandatory samples.

At the end of the production process, each track will be premiered on Winslow Radio and a judges panel will vote on their favorite track.

Each judge gets one vote and they will be able to fill out a survey ranking different aspects of the production as well as give their thoughts.

There will also be a public poll in which voters can submit one vote for one track and no more.

The final count on the public poll will count as 2 judges votes.

There will be no ties.

That’s it!

There may some slight alterations for the 2012-2013 season. We will base changes to the rules on feedback from our fans and from last year's competitors. The main considerations are time lines for voting and production.